The GT Ice Cream Needle Nose range are injection moulded and come in a variety of fish catching colors. The Needle Nose looks like the Skinny but is actually a
little shorter with a wider profile. It too is also designed for super long casts in most conditions and can handle a small chop very well. A slower retrieve with a high rod tip produces a strong side-to-side nose action. The Needle Nose is the best all round lure for inshore and offshore, for all surface feeding predators. Comes pre-rigged with a very sharp assist style hook for easy hookups and releases.
The new colors make it very appealing to fish when they are focused one particular colored bait. Fisherman can now “match the hatch” by holding multiple colors of the same lure.
Excellent choice for: Tuna, Jacks, GT's,leer fish, Bluefish, Stripers, Albies, Yellowtail, Roosters, Spanish Mackerel, King Mackerel, Wahoo and many more.