The Desert Storm Acid Fuoco by Italcanna is based on a new very reactive blank with a strong increase in power, particularly developed for fishing with braids (although also suitable for monofilament). In fact, in the first 20-30 cm, this blank optimally compensates for the lower elasticity of the braided lines, exponentially decreasing the risk of breaking the line due to sudden and rapid leaks that even the best friction could not compensate due to the inevitable mass of the spool. This blank is therefore thin and light, in the two nominal powers of 30 and 50 lbs for which it has been expressly calibrated. Partially made of high-strength carbon and an innovative zero-memory fiber, today it represents the best possible compromise between power and elasticity. This blank was then excellently completed for the "DESERT STORM" with a new ergonomic two-color washable handle, and a new and light handle with a particular color that stands out and goes well with both the gold and silver reels but also the colored ones generally. In this way you will not have to worry about what color your next reel will be ... however to make this model even more innovative, Italcanna is the first ever to make this model in FUOCO colors ... We cannot guarantee you victories, which will depend on good right from your commitment and a bit of luck, but certainly if you find yourself competing with a Desert Storm you will know that you will be faced with a very formidable equipment ...