monofilaments and braided lines
monofilaments and braided lines
Discover the Jatsui Rush Egi RIG 3.0: the evolution of the EGI KK squid boats with new rubber fins, extra ring for customization and plastic filaments for
Jatsui presents the Rush Egi RIG 3.0, an innovation in the EGI KK line. These squid traps maintain the classic design but are enriched with rubber side fins, similar to crab claws, positioned just above the front lead. The latter is equipped with an additional ring, which allows the insertion of plastic filaments included in the package, to create greater movement and volume in the water. The ring also offers the possibility of further customizing the lure, adapting it to your needs.
Baits Eging Fishing | Baits Fishing from the boat | JATSUI RUSH EGI RIG 3.0