The New Shimano Spheros SWA is a reel with a remarkable relationship between technology and price. Available in a wide range of sizes to cover almost all types of sea fishing, from in-shore lure fishing, to tropical Big Game Popper fishing for GT and tuna, the Spheros SW A contains many technological features that found on high-end SW models, including Shimano's latest innovation, the Infinity Drive for lighter and much more powerful retrieve. Other features include Hagane Gear and X-Ship gears for maximizing recovery power, X-Protect Body (IPX8), Drag (IPX8) and Line Roller (IPX8), Hagane Body for bending strength under pressure, and AR-C coils for increased casting performance. The versatile Spheros SWA is an excellent spinning reel, which can also be used for jigging, bottom fishing and bottom fishing without any fear.